In the event that you aren't really tech-savvy or in case you have not managed a hosting machine, you may have some difficulties in particular circumstances when you need to manage a virtual or a dedicated server. Because each and every standalone server has its own Operating System and various programs and processes running, you shall most likely run into different issues such as a frozen process or one that's loading the machine substantially. With a shared internet hosting account all these things are addressed by the company, but this just isn't the case if you use a hosting server of your own, therefore you have to resolve the issues yourself. In case you do not have the knowledge or the time to manage this sort of matters, you could consider the Managed Services upgrade that we offer. Among other things, it provides 24/7 monitoring of your server and the processes going on it, so if anything happens, our admins can resolve the problem and restart the machine so as to recover its proper functioning.
Monitoring and Rebooting in VPS Web Hosting
You can benefit from our service with each and every VPS web hosting plan which we provide and you could order the Managed Services pack anytime with only a couple of clicks either when you subscribe or through your billing area. Our system admins will keep an eye on the system processes on your Virtual Private Server not just manually, but also by using an advanced automated system, so they shall be notified the second anything goes wrong - a script which uses too much memory or CPU time, a process which has stopped responding or has gone offline for whatever reason, and so forth. They will research the cause of the problem and will restart your Virtual private server. With this upgrade you can save capital for highly-priced third-party monitoring services that some businesses offer, but even if they inform you about a problem, they cannot do anything to eliminate it. Our system admins, in contrast, have both the expertise and the access to do this quickly.
Monitoring and Rebooting in Dedicated Servers Hosting
The Managed Services package can be added to any of our Linux dedicated servers hosting any time, so whenever you choose that you need it, you can order it with several mouse clicks and our admins will enable a range of automated checks for the status of different system processes on the server. This will save you lots of money for third-party monitoring services from companies which can't resolve a problem even if they recognize one because they won't have access to your hosting server. Our experienced team can quickly fix any problem - a frozen system process, a script that is consuming excessive processing time or memory, and so on. They will figure out what the cause of the issue was so as to resolve the latter in the best suited way and will restart the server if that is necessary to restore its proper functioning. That way you'll not have to stress about potential issues or deal with administration tasks.