Free Dedicated IP

Absolutely free dedicated IP address for your machine

We include a zero-cost dedicated IP address with the Semi-dedicated 2 server bundle. A dedicated IP address will let you promptly set up an SSL certificate for your website or register your personal name servers that will resolve to your very own IP address.

The dedicated IP is readily available to use once you get access to your Site Control Panel. Furthermore, if you want additional dedicated IP addresses, it’s possible to order as many as you want at a promo rate from the Site Control Panel.

Free Dedicated IP

24x7 Support

Email us anytime

You could get in touch with us twenty–four–seven with any queries that you can have as related to our Linux semi-dedicated hosting. Do not hesitate to get in touch via email and via the ticket platform and we will post back to you in approximately 1 hour. In fact, our standard reaction time is below 20 minutes. On trading days, you can give us a call or use the live chat support on our web store.

24x7 Support

SSH Access

Completely free SSH access for your machine

To help you interact straight with your server, without needing to use the Site Control Panel, we incorporate SSH access with your Linux semi-dedicated server. With this functionality, you are able to easily communicate with your documents, databases and domain names using your terminal. However, as you will share the server with some other consumers, there will be no option for you to change the server’s configuration.

SSH access is included as an optional service with the smaller plan, and as a free bonus feature with the bigger offer.

SSH Access

Site Control Panel

Website maintenance made convenient and enjoyable

Our user–friendly Apps makes easier website managing and puts it close at hand. You are able to transfer documents with simple drag’n’drop activity, control all the functions of your domains and websites from a single location, register and shift a wide range of domains, create and control numerous email addresses, manage email list initiatives, set up MySQL databases, obtain SSL Certificates to guard all of your clientele, etc. Precise data will keep you updated on all visitors and activities on your sites.

Site Control Panel

Data Backups

Your site content material can be brought back whenever you want

No site is shielded against hack intrusions or from accidental content removal on your end. With our data back up services, we will retrieve your site content material at any moment. Aside from the standard server backup copies that we create, you can yourself make manually–operated backups of your site content material with a mouse–click from the File Manager area of your Apps. Merely build an archive of the directory that you want to by hand back up and store it in a area within your hosting account that you like.

Data Backups

  • Semi Dedicated 2

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  • Service guarantees

  • The Linux semi-dedicated hosting are put together for you free of cost. 99.9% uptime guarantee. SSH access. 100–percent–free Control Panel included.
  • Compare our prices

  • Assess our Linux semi-dedicated hosting to see which setup provides you with the assets and features you will need to control your developing websites.
  • Compare Semi-dedicated servers
  • Contact Us

  • Contact us at any time by email or through the Control Panel included ticketing system. 1–hour reply time frame warranty.